Monday, August 18, 2008

I took the Poem off the Blog

"No Return...Like a dog curling for sleep"... by William Matthews
I also forgot to mention that I was asked 5 times "What's your last name going to be this year?" and 4 times "How's the dog?" and 1 time from cute boy "I went to your rival high school in the City of Salt, when did you graduate? I graduated in 2001" boy
"I graduated from college in 2001" me
"Did you know John so and so he was your grade" boy
"Umm no I'm old, it took me awhile I got married" me... awkward pause with Coach Iron Horse laughing in the distance...

I will never stop being awkward.


Nik said...

Although I'll miss the poem, it sounds like another fabulous step. Bravo.

P said...

I posted it as a comment on a blog from June 07