Friday, September 03, 2010


First week of school. Wow.

Things that worked

K-W-L of P dub. A teaching method in which you generate prior knowledge lists and come up with questions you want to research and then learn them. I showed pictures of my journey the last two years, classes, etc, kids got to ask questions about the pictures to find out more about me. Loved it, need a thick skin for this one folks!! They knew about me in the first five minutes as much as I had expected all my students to know after a year. I drink coffee, wear glasses, bump into desks and trip over cords. I talk to myself and I talk to the chalk. My face gets red when I'm mad. I'm fat. But engaged. Fun, Energetic, the best so far... I have a thick enough skin to hear it, love being 35, also love the energy of the first days of school.

The Matter Lesson. Ice melted, Liquid didn't boil, but had technology back ups which worked great as a projector/ video demo. Especially on the Promethean.

Stomping on the big spider in front of the entire class to squash the big screaming mess of student mania from fear of spider. Sorry spider.

Going over and over and over procedures. How to come in, how to sit down, how to flow... and not interrupt the learning of others. I often say "FOCUS!" "Are you off focus? We need to get back on focus!" It's new this year.

The Songsraps for each lesson.
Videos, Clips, Commercials, Educational songs, Where in the ... is Matt? was a smash hit was were the .

The terrariums. I couldn't vision these mini-bio-domes until they were put together. Thanks to 54 for getting all the materials, and new boss for having (for a rather awesome set up) 9 empty pretzel wide mouth jars plastic with green lids. They look fantastic.

The new Promethean board. Awesome! Has speakers for this

We're All Awesome!

Things that didn't work

Seating chart with cards not taped securely to desks. Kids were kids. Still not sure who anyone is yet. Didn't have money for new packing tape...

The Interest Inventory at the beginning of the class was too long. Some questions were regarded as weird. "What's under your bed?", and "How many rings til you answer the phone?". Make a few questions for formulating thought and written responses. Maybe make one for next week.

The FAN! Oh my LBJ it was hot! One day the county closed due to heat reducing school by 2 hours in the afternoon. My room is the hottest in the building. But I was introduced to the exhaust fan, written up by the custodial crew twice, lucky with mod4 off twice a week, infested with stink beetles.

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