Saturday, June 07, 2008

Summer Almost

This is a great time of year. It is going to be hot this week to close out the school year. Going through drawers and cabinets reflecting on notes, drawings, promises, and work from the students. My favorite folder is one called memories, filed under M mysteriously, and has at least something from each of my 7 years teaching. I also like planning my first week of lessons and change them all summer long. It's like I spend 3 months on 3 lessons that is all. This may be a bad use of my time, I haven't even graded the juniors exams yet. And I have to move all the stuff in my room to a secure location because summer school is in my room. This includes moving 9 computers which is a pain.

On the summer plans... I'm excited to go to the city of salt and play with the fam. However, I am a tad apprehensive for the fellowship. I got my itinerary in the mail and it will be fun, hot, and a little boring. Kayaking, boating, fishing, oystering...that's all on the first week! I also have to room with someone which makes my snoring and recreational habits quite scary.

Roomie is apprehensive for the pet sitting. I hope Indy doesn't make too much of a mess, but he probably will. He's been so good since October, really, only a couple of accidents. When the Green Hornet was here he had an accident every day. But it is still pretty gross.

I'm also very reminiscent of last June to my peril. I've been rotating friends for happy hours all week, each ending in some long speech about how I must forget number 2. Yes, yes I should. But I'm a little slow. K took me to a bull roast last night for county school coaches. I didn't know anyone. Again I ruined a pseudo flirting situation with mentioning Canada. It was not my fault, the guy was a hockey player -eh.

I should be cleaning the house, doing laundry, buying supplies, and getting ready for my summer away. One of the coaches last night said of my apprehension, "We always ask our students to step out of their comfort zone, and now its your turn! You will make great friends and remember it forever". Ok, maybe I should coach, these people really know how to make a sound bite... Do I challenge my students? I don't know. It was very nice of Senior Presidente to mention me at graduation, it means the world to me, and I am sad I missed it, but hearing every ones congratulations and versions of events has been quite flattering and nice.

Well that was quite the ramble.

1 comment:

Nik said...

You and Canada are going to have to find a way to get along.
Yay! You'll be here in 5 days. I can imagine though that it is a bit unsettling to be gone for so long. Think of it this way; Unlike me, you actually get to go back.