Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Its a date!

Interesting lesson in the morning on mapping and remote sensing, gps and gis. Then we went kayaking! Restored estuarine meadow on the patuxtent river. Near a nuclear power plant that paid for the restoration. After an oil spill in 2000. I really have found a new and fantastic hobby. I met the coordinator of the lab I'll be working at for the next seven weeks and she's an awesome kayaker. Learned a few secrets of paddling etc to make it easier. So beautiful , peaceful, and fun! Then we met a turtle man who talked about the interestiing long life cycle of a diamondback terrapin. They live for a very long time if they dont get run over by a speed boat. For some reason I was scared of the turtles. Biodiversity study of plants with the hoola hoops :) and a slight sunburn. Folowed by seining for fish and it was crazy how many fish were there. Comb jellies, Crabs, anchovies, perch. Glass of wine, dinner of overcooked salmon, and movie "Chesapeake a twilight estuary" I show to my classes so was tired, but the film maker was there and some of the people in it were too.

I left iPhone home today but took my camera. 31 hope ur arm and rib feel better and thanks otterbutt for the blog comments! George Carlin texts and a few emails to ask...Dog sitting anyone? He'll be outside today so drop him by some water if u can...

1 comment:

Nik said...

Why outside poor Indiana Jones? I'd bring him water were I near there. And afraid of turtles? I think I'm a bit jittery too. I've seen a couple and I just imagine, SNAP. There goes my head. Hmm. Sea turtles, not so scary. In Michigan, I saw two turtles. One was huge. The other tiny. Both odd. I think it's just that turtles to us are so unfamiliar. You must read Edward Hoagland's book "On the Courage of Turtles." They have to be courageous. The speedboats are coming right for them.
I can't wait to learn new paddling techniques!